Maser in a sentence as a noun

What band is it operating in?Also curious, what are the advantages over a maser?

That is why I mentioned to put a watchdog on it. At some point if you ntp server can't be reached, and you have clouds, and don't want to invest in an expensive atomic or maser based clock, you just don't get nice time sync.

Once the maser was constructed things proceeded rapidly....I really dislike HN's downvoters.

It would not have been possible without the maser that came before it in academia, or the work done by Einstein, also in academia.

That chicken box is better-instrumented than your average hydrogen maser.

>In that world, perhaps the laser still would not have been invented!Actually, the maser/laser is one of those innovations that had multiple independent developers, at multiple points of it's development.

On following up on your links, I see that while optical pumping was invented first, Townes was able to make the first maser by using an electric field to separate out an excited state of ammonia, achieving a population inversion without pumping.

Maser definitions


an acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an amplifier that works on the same principle as a laser and emits coherent microwave radiation