Martingale in a sentence as a noun

You don't rob an online casino with martingale system.

A random walk is a martingale - you're expectation of where you'll be in the future is.

Every martingale that doesn't run off to infinity has to converge to a point.

A martingale is the present is the same as the conditional expectation of the future given the past.

Every stochastic process is the sum of a martingale and a predictable process.

Get very deep into modern mathematical finance and get a lot on conditional expectations, Markov processes, and martingales.

I'd also like to have locally compact, but that's a bit much to hope for!The Doob decomposition shows that every stochastic process is the sum of a martingale and a predictable process, all measure theory!It's tough enough to believe in probability with the measure theory foundations; otherwise, I couldn't swallow the stuff!There is a broad point: Maybe OP wants to know what to learn for the applications of the future.

Martingale definitions


a harness strap that connects the nose piece to the girth; prevents the horse from throwing back its head


spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat