Mannequin in a sentence as a noun

And no, the Kemar mannequin is NOT to be used as an aural sex toy.

What if you just throw a mannequin of a small child into the road, should it **** the passengers?

It's like lining up and firing a shot at what turns out to be a mannequin cleverly dressed as your ex-wife.

Actually, we rented a Real Doll mannequin 12 years ago and was quite real in every aspect.

I think the inspiration side of it is huge - seeing how a look wears on someone else is completely different than seeing something hanging or on a mannequin.

Why do you want ads shown to you NOT be targeted?Unless you're using adblock, you should be seeing a whole bunch of crappy ads for fat-loss solutions, IQ tests, "Which way is this mannequin turning?

Mannequin definitions


a woman who wears clothes to display fashions; "she was too fat to be a mannequin"

See also: manikin mannikin manakin model


a life-size dummy used to display clothes

See also: manikin mannikin manakin form