Manipulable in a sentence as an adjective

It uses space poorly and it's hard to distinguish what is manipulable and what is not.

What would be useful is to make the tree obvious and manipulable as a separate object itself.

Well, in his defence -> Every voting system is manipulable

When the general public votes with their wallet in a landslide victory for Apple, we blame them for being easily manipulable by slick ad campaigns and shiny baubles.

I should qualify the question with a little more detail:Are user-visible and user-manipulable file-systems on the way out?

Why explain the principles of ecology when you could create a simulated, manipulable world that teaches the user simply by interacting with it?

Instead, the abacus beads, rods, and frame serve as manipulable physical representations of numerical values and operations.

That they did this ***-backwards and propagated through superstition and rumor is why it's not actually science, but when you start talking about controllable and manipulable mechanisms, you've taken the first important step.

Still geek-manipulable, if necessary, and extraordinarily simple to parse.

Writing your html directly in manipulable clojure data structures opens up a world of possibilities that I simply didn't have using standard templating solutions that most other frameworks rely on.

We of course can't cover every domain, but what's interesting is that the editor is itself kind of like an editor of editors and it'll make it fairly trivial for you to build your own manipulable representations.

With it's motile upper sections and manipulable terminal section it's the perfect vehicle to deliver not only indications of agreement but many other natural gestures drawing you in to an incalculable world of novel experiences.

So could it be that Lisp has deficiencies at a fundamental level...?Harland replied to my query: "The first thing of significance that I did was to make types manipulable... Then I made the environments manipulable so that I could abstract over declarations.

Apparently, for some "security experts" it's damned if you do, damned if you don'tIf you don't use RdRand then you have few sources of "true" randomness, hence, your RNG is predictable, manipulable and you're an idiot and a 5 year old can break your cryptoIf you use RdRand then "blah blah blah this is opaque", hence, your RNG is predictable, manipulable and you're an idiot and a 5 year old can break your cryptoPerfect solutions exist only in labs and my impression is that most of these "experts" make things less secure.

Manipulable definitions


easily managed (controlled or taught or molded); "tractable young minds"; "the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition"- Samuel Butler

See also: tractable