Manger in a sentence as a noun

If a manger has never been a maker, you are lost.

> this is my biggest job as "manger"I think you chose the wrong word there, but hay.

As a manger, it's up to you to decide how you want to review expenses.

I was later told the new manger was hired based on management experience.

That seems to be the whole point is to provide a specialized manger For libraries on a Mac.

While you are at it, why not hire a manger so you don’t have to be there all time, and stop driving to the further market?.

It completely fell under the massive appeal of the mainstream crowd who thought they could become a manger and earn a quick buck.

My manger on the other hand wanted a "function" done that could take in an "iDevice program" and output a BlackBerry app.

After that's mastered, they graduate to garde-manger where they generally are in charge of cold apps, soups and sometimes more.

That is why companys tend to give brief factual references so that some manger doesn't go off on one and land the company with a big lawsuit.

This is the basis on which customers buy data from Nielsen and what gives that hypothetical middle manger's powerpoint slide some weight.

Arrested for holding an event without a permit.\nTicketed for sleeping in someone manger, without written consent.

When the web stubbornly refused to buy into IE-only technologies, it became Microsoft's dog in the manger, holding back the day that web apps made the OS irrelevant.

I just have an incredibly hard time imagining how I could nap on a yoga mat in my cubile without everyone else stopping to watch it like a circus, and my manger wanting to discuss why I am literally sleeping on the job.

Manger definitions


a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed

See also: trough