Maladjusted in a sentence as an adjective

Now, it just depends on what your definition of maladjusted is.

At this point, most of America, not to mention the world, could be considered maladjusted.

'Martin Luther King, Jr. told us that human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.

No one is fooled by this other than naive, new to the workplace, socially maladjusted programmers in their early 20's.

I grew up as a socially maladjusted "gamer," but I'm not blaming society for my own lack of social skills.

> The idea that hard-working asians are "maladjusted" is mostly veiled racismNO IT'S NOT.

"Tech" is considered by the mainstream to be full of socially maladjusted overgrown boys who spend far too long in their mother's basement.

Just because one person's sense of humour is perhaps less-palatable to someone else doesn't make that person 'unhealthy' or 'maladjusted'.

Also there is more bang for the buck making sure babies are raised well and healthy, over trying to fix maladjusted and unhealthy teenagers and adults years later.

Oftentimes these kids come out socially maladjusted, suicidal and/or homicidal, or somewhere else on the human spectrum other than 'great'.

And as much as I don't want to "judge a book by its cover," many people do, and let's face it: the man looks like a maladjusted hippie most of the time, which I don't think many people relate to anymore.

Having a particular trait is not inherently evil nor inherently maladjusted.

He instigated a few reasonably influential movements, I think influential people are maladjusted almost by definition.

No, I am implying that is the kid is maladjusted than the majority of people on xbox live are maladjusted. If that is the case, than the majority of hollywood is also maladjusted. If that is the case, the majority of those who enjoy the movies produced and directed by those who are maladjusted are also maladjusted.

"Seeing introversion as a preference or identity is fine as long as you have a nice consistently introverted life and that's exactly what you want, but it harks back to the day when everybody had their place and accepted their limitations and anyone who felt any conflict or frustration about it was "maladjusted.

Typically, maladjusted men like you, who are, to put it kindly, not attractive to women, end up in the role of provider, and the desirable men get to have their offspring raised by the clueless providers.> is this "hula-hooping at a party" the best evolutionary strategy to obtain that goal?Replace "hula-hooping at a party" with "showcasing their assets" and even you should be able to figure it out.

Maladjusted definitions


poorly adjusted to demands and stresses of daily living; "a maladjusted child"


emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships

See also: disturbed


not well adjusted; "a maladjusted carburetor"