Majority in a sentence as a noun

Steve Jobs is known to the majority of people only for his role at Apple.

Wow, as of this writing the vast majority of comments are just so negative!

It's only on a weekend because that's when the majority of my students can attend.

Yet wherever I worked when I was a student, the vast majority of my coworkers were from rural parts of the state.

This means the vast majority of players don't actually have to deal with the fractal domain complexity.

The plaintiffs in this case are by far not the only ones who were affected – Apple, Google, et al. stole tens of thousands of dollars per year from each person who was working in the software industry for the better part of a decade and the vast majority of us aren't going to get any of that back.

Consider the vast majority of fowl who carry the virus asymptomatically.

Companies exist to make management, investors and founders rich - they hold the vast majority of the stock - and benefit greatly from path dependence and network effects.

There is a looming realization of Google controlling the majority of online advertising and that one mistake will probably haunt me for many years/services to come.

A vast majority of them just babysit a Bloomberg terminal, barely understanding the supposed math they use all day. Others just babysit an Excel spreadsheet, or worse, develop whole applications in Excel then try to get a real programmer to "build it".

The pallet stones have since been upgraded to be synthetic ruby, along with the majority of the other bearing surfaces in watches, since the introduction of this book, however.

Nor can I make up for the falling consumption of the vast majority of middle-class families that are barely squeaking by, buried by spiraling costs, and trapped by stagnant or declining wages.

The vast majority of our community members genuinely respect and protect each other, but we urge users to be careful and discerning with each other and to hold others accountable through reviews, flagging and our customer service channel.

Notch strongly believes that the computer should stay a bastion of openness in order to sustain a indie game community--indeed, the majority of my own games I play today are small, independent games that provide a unique experience that I would hate to lose due to higher barriers to entry.

Majority definitions


the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part; "the majority of his customers prefer it"; "the bulk of the work is finished"

See also: bulk


(elections) more than half of the votes


the age at which persons are considered competent to manage their own affairs