Madhouse in a sentence as a noun

- This place is a madhouse! - He's a psycho.

"It's a madhouse, and quite unnerving for an introvert like myself." That is a fair point.

Pushing new fresh minds down the madhouse hallway that IE6 is, seems like a moral hazard to me. They might get the wrong idea.

It's a madhouse, and quite unnerving for an introvert like myself. But that's not even the main reason I like Amazon -- it's for the product ratings.

So, if it has no practical purpose, you can argue it's worth doing for itself, but then you'd just position itself near that modern madhouse, contemporary poetry.

OK, I admit there is a kind of madhouse logic to this which I can't refute. There is already a flood of patches that I need to apply about every 5 minutes to something or other, and that's just the vulns that got identified and reported.

It strikes me as a madhouse. On the other hand, I have worked in labs on things like embedded computers, and sometimes having a lot of people around really helped you zero in on a difficult problem consisting of code touching more modules than one mind could ever keep track of.

Note that people who are outside the American madhouse, those who live in developing countries like the Philippines or China, very much want to adopt American customs. Few of them want to live a monastic or back-to-nature lifestyle.

Because the whole system is a mining operation designed by humans for efficiency, with one particular aspect that abuses one victim, not an intentional madhouse death trap.

We shouldn't be sentencing minor drug offenders and petty criminals to prison; it overloads the system and turns the place into a teeming madhouse where the prison staff is focused on survival, not actually rehabilitating the inmates. In combination with this, we need to get better quality guards.

Scribbled nonsense quite unlike any mortal before him, so that whoever could read his most eulogized work, the so-called Phenomenology of the Mind, without feeling as if he were in a madhouse, would qualify as an inmate for Bedlam, I should be no less right."

In fact, the degree to which my local grocery store is an utter madhouse right before American holidays that revolve around a big meal where extended family is typically invited suggests to me and others that I have spoken with that most Americans just don't much cook. I was a homemaker for 2 decades and the degree to which I shopped daily for fresh meats and produce and cooked for dinner what I had bought fresh earlier that afternoon drew frequent remarks from people who worked at the grocery store and who wished their wife would cook like I did.

Today the most vibrant parts of that projects discussion page have gripes about 'bullying done by administrators,' debates over whether 'Wikipedia has become a bloody madhouse,' and disputes featuring accusations such as 'You registered an account today just to have a go at me?'" Yep, I visited that WikiProject Editor Retention a while ago to see if I could pick up some tips there on how to encourage conscientious editors to stay involved in Wikipedia, but all I found was that kind of dispute and back-biting.

Madhouse definitions


pejorative terms for an insane asylum