Machete in a sentence as a noun

Take a machete to 80% of the product.

The vendor would pick up a fresh one, chop the top off with a machete, and insert a straw + spoon.

One mans machete is another mans remote controlled drone.

I see your transmitter, and I raise you three equally cheap receivers and a machete.

Like if you decided to combine a marathon with a machete and have a run through the jungle.

It does all the difficult stuff out of the box, but you will need to cut through it with a machete to accomplish the mundane.

Someone else at Cal summarized C succinctly when he wrote "C is the machete of programming languages.

I've always thought resetting by using a scalpel would be better than resetting by using a machete.

There is a video of a mentally ill brasilian with a machete sorrounded by 4 armed officers.

Machete definitions


a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a weapon or for cutting vegetation

See also: matchet panga