Luxuriously in a sentence as an adverb

I might rather work less, make less, and live luxuriously, but I do not have that option.

> All those pixels make for a luxuriously sharp picture.

I hope "living the life" means living how you want it and not really the traditional notion of living luxuriously.

The problem isn't that SF is running out of square footage for luxuriously spacious apartments.

The living conditions are worst on average but if you're bringing in CS money then you can afford to live luxuriously in whichever country you choose and it would cost you less.

Possibly also offering something lower-cost and not so luxuriously designed - I can't believe 4 LEDs and a heatsink cost $800.

Then I luxuriously asked, “would you mind opening a support ticket and handling a blitz of inane questions Until the point that they get real about it”?Wanted to change cellular service for four lines.

We all could be living luxuriously if we utilised efficient systems of food production and actually distributed food equally, as an example of just one small aspect.

This ends up encouraging somewhat of a macro-trend where everyone works very very hard to beat off others to get a piece of the pie but most inevitably end up failing to get wealthy and live 'luxuriously'.

"In academia if you have not convinced yourself that the problem you are working on is "the most" important problem to be worked on, how else would you go on working on it each single day and night with low salary while your counterparts live luxuriously in industry?

There are a number of beautiful places in the United States where it is possible for a person to subsist quite luxuriously on $1200/mo and preserve the ability to throw parties for friends, buy books and tools, etc. As of January a person with such income will have free Medicare in Oregon.

That's great for them, but it means the current employees day-dreaming about leaving their luxuriously appointed home office in their palatial Mountain West exurban home for a Wednesday afternoon skiing trip are going to need to seriously readjust their expectations towards "splitting an apartment in Sacramento instead of SF"

Luxuriously definitions


in an indulgently luxurious manner; "she sprawled out luxuriously on the sofa"


in a rich manner; "he lives high"

See also: high richly