Lurker in a sentence as a noun

Hi, I've been a lurker here for some time now.

Long time lurker, created an account just to add a comment here.

Hi, this is Nicholas, a long time lurker on HN and the person in the video.

I'm guessing the goals of the site are focused more towards commenters/community than it is towards lurkers.

And at least an active lurker, if not a well-known participant, in the cypherpunks mailing list during the 1990s and early 2000s.

As a long-time lurker but new user, I see little reason to ever even attempt to participate on a forum with moderation rules like this.

The amount of possible "things to review" just swamps the number of friends a person can have, and standard lurker/poster ratios tend to imply that "nobody" writes reviews.

Female here and longtime lurker before registering somewhat recently.

I consider myself a casual visitor to HN and more of a lurker than anything yet I still recognize your site immediately meaning you've gained traction with random folk like myself let alone more hardcore members.

For me it will be very sad that I cannot read the lone, often very informative, comment to a story that will never make it to the front page but that nonetheless I and other lurkers want to see any response at all to the story.

Lurker definitions


someone waiting in concealment

See also: skulker lurcher