Lunge in a sentence as a noun

Press a button and lunge forward, each with it's own variation.

Note how it's not important that you lunge forward for an extra yard.

"I lunge for the phone, stopping the experiment.

What are your chances of surviving a hair trigger lunge or trigger?

You've been given an inch; don't immediately lunge for a mile.

They're like a bull ready to lunge forward with a new spike of conversation.

Some dogs routinely lunge at people passing by. In addition, despite the best efforts of those who walk their dogs, there are smears of dog feces on sidewalks.

Lunge in a sentence as a verb

Especially if your firearm is in it's holster, in the time it takes for an attacker to lunge at you, you need to:1.

Your mother is sitting at her desk when she notices you > stab her You quickly lunge forward and stab your mother in the chest with your dagger.

Not only the smokers themselves get lunge disease or even die, but also other innocent second-hand smokers get hurt.

[0] The problem with American policing is the police, not the fact that too many Americans 'lunge' for cell phones during police stops.

So in a desperate attempt to compensate, they lunge for whatever technique they vaguely heard about being used at, you know, "leet" companies.

Yes, I know knives are deadly --however, knives don't travel very far, compared to firearms, why not back up, give them a safe distance and try to de-escalate before shooting at the 'lunge.

It's a sad situation, and the officer never should have fired his sidearm at the dog, but to be fair to them, they didn't just shoot the dog with no provocation - the dog lunges 2 or 3 times at the officers with clear aggressive intent before it's shot.

Lunge definitions


the act of moving forward suddenly

See also: lurch


(fencing) an attacking thrust made with one foot forward and the back leg straight and with the sword arm outstretched forward

See also: passado


make a thrusting forward movement

See also: hurl hurtle thrust