Lubricate in a sentence as a verb

What's your theory on how they lubricate the spinning parts?

They combust oil to lubricate the engine, so you just have to make sure it has oil.

I bought some graphite a few years ago to lubricate a sticking lock.

If my throttle is sticking, I lubricate the cable and replace the return spring.

Analogies are like shopping carts: if you push them too far they don't work well and you have to lubricate them.

Vitamins probably do help lubricate and enhance all sorts of things, which is intuitive.

A little empathy would lubricate the gears of his cause yet wouldn't violate his principles at all.

Presumably there will still be just piston rings in the normal place, although I would like to see more on how they are going to lubricate it.

However, once upon a time, oil was what you used to lubricate bearings, and still was the case with 3-speed 'Sturmey Archer' hub gears up until the 1970's.

Even if you improve Libreoffice across the board, this isn't really going to drive adoption so much as lubricate it slightly for people who want to replace Office.

The US had to do this to lubricate world trade, however when the music stops all those dollars held in foreign banks will try and make their way home in order to obtain some value.

How do you lubricate a drill without contaminating the environment and with such a wide temperature variation?

If your wages keep pace with inflation, then things like your car loan and mortgage ultimately cost less, leaving you with more inflation-adjusted money to lubricate the economy with.

Bureaucracy is the friction inherent in the system; different people clog and lubricate its workings to different aims, which range from the purest altruism to the most cynical abuse.

Yes, i'd gladly bend over and lubricate my own orifices for sacrifice to the State to tort its own laws in the hopes that in the future it will set a precedent for future generations to cope with more of the same :D/sarc

Lubricate definitions


have lubricating properties; "the liquid in this can lubricates well"


apply a lubricant to; "lubricate my car"

See also: lube


make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant; "lubricate the key"