Low-level in a sentence as an adjective

There is no good central low-level log file or debug tool that lets me see what is going on.

If nothing else it was a great way to learn about what the company did by doing low-level grunt work.

You can do all that using try/catch as a low-level tool, I've seen it done in Clojure, using JVM's exception system.

He's someone who doesn't have time to deal with thread libraries and low-level matrix operations.

You get no low-level and no debugging information.

Aside from being juggled around as an employee, being given work on front-end, back-end, low-level, and high-level tasks, I was lectured on Facebook's rules of the road: Generate lots of diffs!

Its combination of high-level expressiveness with low-level control is unique, and for many use cases where you'd previously use C or C++, I think Rust is a compelling alternative.

Isn't WiFi sync a fairly obvious feature that Apple has likely had in the works for quite some time?Based on what I've read, this sync app was only possible because of some low-level sync frameworks that were already present in iOS.

Low-level definitions


not intense; "low-level radiation"


lower in rank or importance

See also: subordinate


at a low level in rank or importance; "a low-level job"; "low-level discussions"


occurring at a relatively low altitude; "a low-level strafing run"

See also: low-altitude