Lovely in a sentence as a noun

The mash on top was really creamy and the mince was in lovely gravy.

They have been absolutely lovely to work with, clear, transparent and... helpful.

Doing YC means surrounding yourself with great people.- Every single YC partner is a genuinely lovely person.

Maybe USB is less lovely if you are a driver developer, but thats because its pushing more work away from the consumer and onto the driver developer.

How lovely!Your conspiracy theory hinges on the idea that Google wants your precious wifi password for themselves, not for your convenience.

Lovely in a sentence as an adjective

This is a lovely piece of work; I think it's missing the point to speculate on possible profit margins, or the magnitude of a kickstarter project; the thing is the point here.

It'd be lovely for this change to produce some real knowledge on how to run a modern, big, high-speed tech company without getting trapped in the argument over engineering-vs-management.

I deserve the right to be in their feeds" then be happy that Facebook is smarter than you: All those lovely fans would be gone in a heartbeat if Facebook didn't protect the advertisers from themselves.

Each screen reader gets a hold of the DOM through whatever ugly hacks, then renders your beautiful website with lovely topography into a flat, basically plaintext representation.

My hate for it came from having to use some shitty app server like WebSphere because the coding-averse CTO considered it a "standard".Looking at more recent work such as the lovely Play framework and the influence of new JVM languages such as Clojure and Scala, it looks like things are improving in Java-land.

Lovely definitions


a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's model

See also: pin-up


appealing to the emotions as well as the eye


lovable especially in a childlike or naive way

See also: adorable endearing