Lookup in a sentence as a noun

In order to read a field from a struct, you have to do a vtable lookup to find the offset?

Has anyone actually read the steps required to exploit this vulnerability?You do know that to be able to exploit it you have to know the application's secret key, so you can create your own malicious encrypted session cookie that includes hashes instead of strings for the auth token lookup?You do know that if someone has your app's secret key they can just write whatever they want into the session cookie, instantly compromising a large number of apps anyway?

Quote Examples using Lookup

Optimizing priority queues... Recalculating scheduler lookup tables... Terminating unused system processes... Recovering memory leaks... Flushing network buffers... Then it'd randomly pick a number X and report to the user "System reports X% faster.


Lookup definitions


an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"

See also: search