Longing in a sentence as a noun

There is a longing in the people you meet on your way and a longing in yourself.

Looks really cool, but it keeps timing out on me. Been longing for this kind of information, so here's hoping it will work soon!

But every moment I do so, I will be longing to be back home in front of my desktop computer.

We read testimonials from people in Syria longing for freedom, thanking us for what we provide.

Amazement, and a wistful longing for a simple freedom enjoyed in the distant, halcyon past.

He was longing to build custom kitchens that serve more to demonstrate his woodworking skills rather than to appeal to modern taste.

On the other hand, you're arguably less of a slave to people marketing luxuries, and the other things you long for might be more worth longing for.

Agreed, with the caveat that I can only handle a couple of posts this deep before feeling intimidated and longing for something more lightweight.

As you get older you regret not taking advantage of some things in the past, but I tend to think that what you feel as regret is actually just longing for being young again.

A nation that was only recently unified from many tribes, and whose politicians longing for a great nation resulted in 50-70 million dead?No thanks.

I think it's my innate longing for wayfaring adventure, even unwise and irresponsible adventure, that I constantly have to reign in to keep myself productive.

Also the "soldiers doing cool things", "soldier playing guitar back in the camp and longing for home", "soldiers having some innocent fun between attacks", and the "soldier is a regular guy from some place back home", etc.

But the years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alterations of confidence and exhaustion and the final emergence into the light -- only those who have experienced it can understand it.

Yes it was very popular, and that show is still used as short-hand expressing a longing for an idyllic bygone American life, but the situations and reactions were only valid for a very small percentage of the US. It took another 15 years, with shows like All in the Family, for more realistic themes like miscarriage, impotence, and racism to be included as part of the issues that families might deal with.

But each one \n retained in itself, as a memory and a longing, the single spirit of the whole; \n and each mirrored in itself aspects of all others throughout all the cosmical \n space and time.\n \n "No longer punctual, the cosmos was now a volume of inconceivably dense matter \n and inconceivably violent radiation, constantly expanding.

Longing definitions


prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

See also: yearning hungriness