Logotype in a sentence as a noun

* The logotype doesn't need an underline when you mouse over it.

It used to be a nice place with an ugly logotype to visit, but now it's just the logotype.

I think the project logotype, carity, is really bad.

Especially when their own logotype has it in all lowercase.

Another trend I'm seeing a lot of is the "Script" logotype reminiscent of hand painted signs from the 50's.

Professional designers can spot Gotham instantly, and will make fun of you for using it in a logotype.

I prefer to not draw attention to specific characters and have consistent aliasing across all the characters of a logotype.

Illustrator does this weird thing with curved paths where the the auto-artboard-shrinker thing crops the curves at the borders, so the curved letters in your logotype are getting cut off.

But deeper investigation reveals that they are looking for a logotype mostly for marketing materials and that sort of thing, and are not planning to eliminate the seal from diplomas, official correspondences, or anything like that.

I honestly don't know at all how much it matters, but I'm gonna throw out some unsolicited design critique in case it's helpful.- Tragically, King did sink their teeth into the word "candy", so using it in a candy-color outlined gradient logotype strongly evokes mobile games.

Logotype definitions


a company emblem or device

See also: logo