Loafing in a sentence as a noun

Not 100% scheduled, but not loafing around all day.

So there is no "why would I work if I could get the same amount loafing around the house".

He said that 35 percent of bandwidth at HQ was used for "loafing off." \nOne big consequence was the culling of staff.

People loafing around while getting food stamps does not really exist in the USA for a decade or more now.

Traveling, working, partying, loafing around in your free time. These things get old and eventually you feel empty and Unfulfilled...

Reports are it led to less accountability and, I imagine, a "loafing" effect. Two years later and the stock has lost half its value, market share is slipping away.

>First, if you make a minimum income of 1,000, anyone making less or around that will demand a raise, after all why would I work if I could get the same amount loafing around the house. You've misunderstood the concept.

First, if you make a minimum income of 1,000, anyone making less or around that will demand a raise, after all why would I work if I could get the same amount loafing around the house. I don't think you understand the proposal.

Problem with college is that most people are just loafing around in a fantasy world with no consequences. In my personal experience, the people I've met in my post-college life have provided more value to me.

-Author Stevenson Willis "Study while others are sleeping: work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing." -Willam A. Ward "A leader is driven to change the status quo...

Simple game theory prevents managers from acknowledging the truth that they are loafing because that might make all management look like all they do is loaf. The guy's direct manager is overjoyed that all the higher ups are paying attention to the font project.

Most of the time for this has come out of loafing around on Reddit and Hacker News, where you are also giving your time away, for free, to produce something of value for a for-profit corporation. In pretty much every dimension I care about, this is a win for me.

From "200 years ago X% of society were doing grunt work, and today X% of society are doing grunt work" to "x% of society are doing grunt work or are just loafing around". I agree that it's wrong that there loads of people who are unemployed, or working crappy jobs, but it's much better than when they had to shovel **** for 10 hours a day.

Which would be less honeypot set up by the FBI and more FBI agents loafing around the park covertly checking which of the thousands of people singing copyright infringing songs also swap pictures of naked children.

I don't really consider myself a hacker, but when I'm sitting in front of a computer I expect to be doing one of two things: either I'm solving problems and stretching my mind, or I'm loafing off. If I'm not given work that involves some sort of interesting challenge, then I'll be spending a big chunk of my time cavorting and goofing around.

On the other hand, the world is littered with thousands of spare words which spend their time doing nothing but loafing about on signposts pointing at places. Our job, as wee see it, is to get these words down off the signposts and into the mouths of babes and sucklings and so on, where they can start earning their keep in everyday conversation and make a more positive contribution to society.

First, if you make a minimum income of 1,000, anyone making less or around that will demand a raise, after all why would I work if I could get the same amount loafing around the house. So the mid-lower tiers get a raise, and now the tier above that doesn't want to make the same as the lower tier and they get a raise, so there is inflation as everyone suddenly as a lot more money to spend.

Loafing definitions


having no employment

See also: idleness idling