Idling in a sentence as a noun

He is paying $100 for a bunch of add-ons, which have no idling.

They have an "addon" called a dyno for $35 p/month that stops the idling.

However, there is a cost to supporting a phone idling on a network.

Your CPU is mostly idle because it's feeding a tiny set of commands to the GPU each frame, and then idling waiting for user input and/or vsync.

It seems like every maintainer for every Clojure project I've ever looked at is at least idling in #clojure on freenode 24/7.

I've met folks like the character portrayed, idling along because they can, never improving anything.

It degrades the service of companies like Uber and imposes negative externalities on society--more cars pointlessly idling and waiting around, more traffic congestion and so on.

Idling definitions


having no employment

See also: idleness loafing