Lapidary in a sentence as a noun

"In lapidary inscriptions a man is not upon oath.

> you would think news magazines would be concise and to the point, I would even say, lapidary.

In general, if you should be writing lapidary code, you know it, and if you don't know you shouldn't.

Frankly, %eyre is not exactly a triumph of the lapidary style...

I try to write lapidary code, but sometimes it includes arbitrary personal choices.

Lapidary in a sentence as an adjective

I wonder if this will affect gem and mineral mining/collecting in El Salvador, which does have a decent reputation in the mineral/gem/lapidary circle.

Especially in the case of this camera, being able to do a live video from my laptop and simply frame the shot or control it live would be perfect when I'm doing something like live lapidary lessons.

Why not just use meaningful variable names everywhere, instead of taking an extra step to decide if it 'needs' meaningful variable names, or if instead obfuscated 'lapidary' variable names are sufficient?

I teach lapidary classes for California's oldest mineralogical society.

An owner mark or a certain name or a stamp which could mean a lot for a librarian with respect to the provenance of the book would often not be mentioned or only described in lapidary style: unidentified name, or provenance: “From a gentleman’s property.” This makes it quite difficult for a library to identify a particular missing book as that particular copy which has been stolen from the library.

Lapidary definitions


an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them

See also: lapidarist


a skilled worker who cuts and engraves precious stones

See also: lapidist


of or relating to precious stones or the art of working with them; "the ring is of no lapidary value"- Lord Byron; "lapidary art"