Lighten in a sentence as a verb

Or, you know, lighten up. If it bothers you so much, I'm not sure what to say.

Put someone down and when they push back, "ah gee, lighten up, it was just a joke".

Things aren't black and white, but the greys can lighten or darken based on me.

"I think this chick should lighten up personally.

She's saying that the attitude of "lighten up" is a problem in and of itself.

To say that the "meat of the problem" is something else is really kind of like saying "lighten up.

And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship.\nBut Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

She really should write a bot that replies with passive aggressive "lighten up", or "its only a joke" to any instance of complaints.

Christ, commenters, lighten up. Not every emotional blog post is a heartless grab for attention.

If you saw a friend being treated this way by their boss, wouldn't you tell them to quit?Or would you tell them to lighten up?You, person who told me to lighten up, saw one little thing.

You'd be shocked how much better my environment would be if, when I expressed concern about something, I was not told to 'lighten up', but if my concern was treated as valid.

Honestly, the absolute best thing you could do for any dev, is lighten the footprint FF currently has on my ram, and continue to improve the api for add-ons/plugins.

Come on you incorrigible pessimists, lighten up. There is obviously some tongue-in-cheek and inaccuracies in the article, but also some profound truth.

Lighten definitions


make more cheerful; "the conversation lightened me up a bit"


reduce the weight on; make lighter; "she lightened the load on the tired donkey"


become more cheerful; "after a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit"


make lighter or brighter; "The paint will brighten the room"

See also: brighten


become lighter; "The room lightened up"


alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive; "relieve the pressure and the stress"; "lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents"

See also: relieve