Liberalization in a sentence as a noun

The shock of liberalization wakes people up and starts them wanting more.

[1]Does the liberalization of housing law lead to sprawl?

As I suggested in an earlier thread, why is noone starting a copyright liberalization campaign?

At his core Aaron was for liberalization of information and open government.

While anecdote is not evidence, I don't see how one can make a strong case that the current state of affairs is the result of increasing liberalization.

With the H1-B/EB-2 and EB-5 liberalization this past August, the Neufeld memo is all but overturned, but it could come back at any time, which is why we need Startup Visa legislation.

And it's what our patent system frustrates in a very profound way. I know the pharmaceutical industry is always brought up as the tough case against patent reform - the exception that "must" be made in any discussions tending towards to liberalization.

Maybe various stock European Community arguments pro-liberalization of capital flows, though some of them look weak right now, and it's odd to use these to argue for a new currency...

More likely the root cause is the ghettoization of the cities due to white flight and wealth flight in the 1950's and 1960's, along with the continued effects of trade liberalization taking away low-skill jobs.

In contrast, look at the very gradual expansion of drug liberalization in the US: people are slowing getting used to the idea that when people can buy weed in stores, nothing particularly bad happens.

WTO negotiations involves full transparency, as mentioned in the letter above; it's also true that the WTO has been unable to reach agreement on what's known as the 'Doha round' for almost 13 years now. There are multiple reasons why that might or might not have happened, but the upshot is that trade liberalization has been stalled for over a decade.

Its not a statement against globalization, just the way things are right now. Also, the economic liberalization process changed some things about Indian commerce irrespective of globalization.

The connection is really weak ... But as for the audacious title - the article begins the analysis in the correct era - the liberalization of the Indian economy.

I have followed the economic development and political liberalization of Taiwan closely since the 1970s, having lived there for six years of my life, and it is definitely empirically possible to have politicians who have strong math skills and win elections and to have genuinely free elections and deep protection of civil liberties.

By the logic of those links, Bill Clinton was too conservative to be nominated by today's Democratic party because he was for free trade, signed DoMA, passed welfare reform and substantially cut the growth of discretionary spending... sorry: "investment".At least two of the GOP's nominees since Reagan would have been happy to sign more immigration liberalization.

Liberalization definitions


the act of making less strict

See also: liberalisation relaxation