Liberalisation in a sentence as a noun

When it comes to ********* liberalisation, it is definitely leading the way.

It may be the same strong sense of ownership and control that precluded the liberalisation of Truecrypt's license during its lifetime in the past decade.

True economic liberalisation will pose a far more effective and constructive counter.

Australia has been at the forefront of trade liberalisation [1,2], unilaterally cutting tariffs for about 20 years.

Another might be the liberalisation of immigration policy.

I'm asking because I'm from Norway - a country with one of the highest percentages of gun ownership in the world - almost exclusively hunting rifles and shotguns -, yet where most people would be absolutely horrified if anyone tried to push through a "US style" liberalisation of gun laws.

Liberalisation definitions


the act of making less strict

See also: liberalization relaxation