Layover in a sentence as a noun

During a layover I bought a book on the 'business' shelf of a UK airport.

A couple days a found a round-trip flight from Montreal to Paris with a layover in New Jersey for $762.

Why, I myself just got back from Sweden where I had a layover on the flight from Mozambique.

Will they be serving breakfast during my layover in Istanbul?

Some of the nicer ones go so far as to have beds for pilots who are doing a layover, and offer amenities like free snacks, and movie rooms.

It was just a layover from Houston to LAX, so they were able to land in Phoenix to have a medical response team take the passenger off.

Let's you put in your flight numbers for a connection and will make recommendations based on the time if your layover, gates you are flying into and out of, etc.

We got a nice 7 day "vacation" in Venice when we were able to save $300 by booking a layover thru that part of Italy on our repositioning trip.

Many of them had hilarious, stupid and scary stories of how customs treated them when they only had a ~2 hour layover and had no interest in the US what-so-ever.

Yup. I managed a hostel in Ecuador for 5 months, and the vast majority of European travelers swore they would never again transit through America due to the nightmares they had experienced with security and immigration, all for a 1 hour layover in the airport.

But what about a hybrid system where you could add an hour or two of usage in that first few seconds of charging?Would be great during a layover in a typical US airport where you might have to sit on the floor in a corner to use a power outlet.

Layover definitions


a brief stay in the course of a journey; "they made a stopover to visit their friends"

See also: stop stopover