Largeness in a sentence as a noun

Maybe the largeness of the term renders it meaningless.

> "These higher levels of largeness blur, where one is unable to sense one level of largeness from another.

It appears that you made some assumption about either the smallness of the fridge or the largeness of the elephant.

At some value of company largeness, your group/org is the 300-person-or-less size, and you could use the OP's tips to meet people in your own group.

The original post was talking about ATL's largeness and number of opportunities for youth.

The downfall of Facebook is what was the crux of its initial success: the comprehensive largeness of one's social network.

It's very hard to process and we are intuitively intimidated by the largeness, such as with numbers from the state budget.

The only reason to actually care about the largeness of the other elements in the chain would be to break ties, which definitely won't be necessary.

What I find unintuitive about Benford's law is the non-random distribution of the most significant digit regardless of base or unit of measure. You propose that it's the "largeness" of a number that enforces Benford's law.

Even Windows, which despite Microsoft's largeness in the world has surprisingly bad internationalization, and which I do not like, at least handles this correctly.

And it's not because of some mystical badness due to largeness, it's very specifically their ability to operate without or even despite feedback from the real world.

If you need to make a program large, there are intelligent ways of doing it, but it's best to start small and build enough knowledge so that, when largeness becomes necessary, the problem is actually well-understood.

One gigantic Perforce repo that achieved such Brobdingagian scale, Google had to roll their own ultra-giga Perforce that properly belongs in a hellish mondo alternate dimension of largeness.

Largeness definitions


the capacity to understand a broad range of topics; "a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject"; "a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views"

See also: breadth comprehensiveness


large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness; "the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness"; "the very extensiveness of his power was a temptation to abuse it"

See also: extensiveness


the property of having a relatively great size

See also: bigness


the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)

See also: pretentiousness pretension