Extensiveness in a sentence as a noun

Love the extensiveness!Dumb question maybe, but is knowledge like this often used in symbolic solver software?

You might want to try DIY'ing something like this [1] depending on the extensiveness of her surgery.

The extensiveness of the agony that causes is difficult to comprehend.

Given the extensiveness of the Reddit echo chamber, I wonder who at EA made the brave decision to send the SimCity 5 team into it.

You have to re-learn CS with a level of specificity, intensity and extensiveness that your school never provided.

He did RoboCup when he was in college, and he found that the success of a team was almost directly correlated with the extensiveness of their debugging tools.

Considering the extensiveness of the general populace's access to the PS3, is this really surprising?

It's absolutely possible for certain values of "power of your type system", "power of your program's types", and "extensiveness of your unit testing system".

I doubt the language picked will have significant impact; reliability will mostly depend on the extensiveness/correctness of simulations.

Honestly, I think even C++ has better functional programming constructs than Python, even with its ugly-looking lambdas and lack of chaining, because 's extensiveness makes up for some of the language's warts.

I have been continually disappointed with the lack of extensiveness in technical interviews, as a candidate, but also as an interviewer when reviewing other interviewer assessments of potential candidates.

****, it's a direct spiritual descendent of Smalltalk to a greater degree than any other popular language!The performance of Ruby caused by the extensiveness of its dynamism had definitely been one of the downsides of the language, and the fact that newer languages place more emphasis on that while learning from Ruby is great - it's how the field evolves!

Extensiveness definitions


large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness; "the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness"; "the very extensiveness of his power was a temptation to abuse it"

See also: largeness