Lacklustre in a sentence as an adjective

I agree that the lacklustre search is a major issue.

I live in a city in Canada that has a bit of a lacklustre tech scene.

Ubuntu software centre has always felt a bit lacklustre to me as a paid software place.

If Apple won't come out with anything new and come out with lacklustre updates, I might short it.

Because of the lack of startups, and the lacklustre VC scene, the industry doesn't have lot of domestic legs to stand on.

I guess as an entrepreneur you have to believe that your shitty little lacklustre company is the next big thing, but man.

It's not exactly ideal though is it, but PHP's lacklustre naming conventions are hardly ground that needs to be trodden again.

Best to take a bath now and miss the mark big style on an otherwise lacklustre quarter and then proclaim the Windows 8 revenue quarter later in the year as a bounce back.

Overall I thought the competition was excellent, but Mozilla's lacklustre follow-up afterwards was disappointing.

Lacklustre definitions


lacking brilliance or vitality; "a dull lackluster life"; "a lusterless performance"

See also: lackluster lusterless lustreless


lacking luster or shine; "staring with lackluster eyes"; "lusterless hair"

See also: lackluster lusterless lustreless