Knob in a sentence as a noun

The arrows show dependencies, and you turn a knob to set how long a task takes.

It doesn't show a picture of a lever door knob nor does it even explain how one works.

Still working my way up there, but it seems to be going well so far.[2][3]Lastly, tweak one knob at a time.

He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob and a lever.

He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob, and a lever.

It takes a full page before it even mentions what the doorknobs are being replaced with, and for what reason.

The two knobs in the center allow tuning of the oscillators across a 2-octave range.

That's Heroku's selling point is that scaling is basically a magic knob.

The last knob governs release, how fast the sound fades away after the envelope completes its cycle.

The lever that lowers the food lacks versatility and the darkness knob is confusing.

The lever that lowers the food lacks versatility, and the darkness knob is confusing.

The topmost knob is attack, or how fast the sound fades in; very fast for a plucked instrument like a bass guitar, slow for a string sound.

Find someone from Intel and ask them how this works: I've heard that you can't so much as touch a knob in Intel's fabs without a signed change order.

You don't get to shoot through your door because someone turned the knob without ringing your doorbell and hide behind it being an act of self-defense.

The top left knob controls the filter cutoff of a low pass filter, ie the frequency above which higher harmonics will be cut off.

The sound swells to maximum over the duration of the attack time, then falls back to the sustain level, adjusted by the middle knob.

"Custom domain" is an obvious customer segmentation knob.

They seem to allow oscillators 2 and 3 to be individually filtered, but unfortunately when I hold down a key and tweak the filter knobs the sound tends to break up.

Surely, if you want to change your music's volume or turn on air conditioning while driving, it's harder to hit touch targets that are Pictures Under Glass than to grab and twist a knob.

So another knob you can turn: keep this current idea small and side-project-y, don't go out of your way to grow it, wait out the new parenthood stuff, and then pick something else up next year.

Relative controls are underused in software, and I think showing them visually as knobs can be helpful in some cases, though getting the implementation details right is important.

"The engineer replied, "Using a four-bit microcontroller, I would write a simple program that reads the darkness knob and quantizes its position to one of 16 shades of darkness, from snow white to coal black.

" The engineer replied, "Using a four-bit microcontroller, I would write a simple program that reads the darkness knob and quantizes its position to one of 16 shades of darkness, from snow white to coal black.

They might be offensive to people raised in some cultures / subcultures, and they don't sound like they're great jokes in any culture, but nobody ever told me about the meeting where women decided knob jokes were offensive.

Normally the knob tot he immediate right could control resonance, which boosts the signal around the cutoff frequency and produces an intense whistling/shrieking sound as it is turned up to maximum.

There are also knobs you can turn here; for instance, if cash flow is the biggest problem in the first year of the company, and your cofounder is still pulling in a salary, maybe she can kick some back to the company to retain status.

" "No no, what we're saying is we're giving a roll of quarters..."Pro-tip for HNers here, by the way: Notice how you responded much, much more viscerally to this emotional, novel perk than you would have if Google had described it as an industry-standard perk with a knob slightly adjusted?

Hooking up webcams to the internet and hooking up a few web buttons to some real equipment via an Arduino is so easy I can't help but think it's actually easier to set this up for real than convincingly fake it in front of an Internet audience!Seriously, folks, turn the cynicism knob down a bit.

There now exist options in engineering which are comparable with those in finance, and importantly, there is now a credible case that engineering is one of the best median outcome career paths for a bright student who is willing to push whatever lever and turn whatever knob required to get to professional success.

Knob definitions


a circular rounded projection or protuberance

See also: boss


a round handle


any thickened enlargement

See also: node thickening


an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger

See also: pommel