Kaolin in a sentence as a noun

It was like a highly moisturized soap with kaolin clay.

No, at used temperatures kaolin will dissolve pretty well.

The 500ml of insecticide costs say $30, while the kaolin costs around $160 for the first application and $80 each time it rains.

If you need to control bleeding quickly you can also use hemostatic gauze which contains a clotting agent such as kaolin clay.

For instance, there if insects are ravaging your grapes you could spray a chemical pesticide that selectively targets insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts that will plug their feeding tube and stop damage, eventually killing the insect, or you could spray kaolin clay and create a deterrent that may suppress enough damage to protect your crop.

The clay has no detrimental effect on insects, is completely non-toxic, etc. However the chemical insecticide is applied at say 500ml per hectare, where as the kaolin requires say 25 kg per hectare and requires two sprays to establish adequate coverage, and needs to be reapplied after every rain, while the insecticide is systemic and residual, persisting inside the tissue of the plant for a few weeks before being metabolized.

Kaolin definitions


a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar); used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper)

See also: kaoline