Juristic in a sentence as an adjective

Also it feels so old-school to see the same list 4 times in the juristic document.

It's interesting that a machine reading something can be described as the action of a juristic person.

But Paypal truly has showed weakness when bending over for a government without any juristic evidence.

Blockchain and total surveillance on the whole juristic process accessible to everyone ?

The corporation's identity as a juristic person is not affected.

This is a bit of a juristic nitpicking but they are to some degree independent from government in financing, while the payment is mandatory.

This is the result of out-sourcing juristic work to private companies:If we treat Android, Window, Twitter, Facebook, as public spaces/goods, then private companies should not have a say in what is allowed/not-allowed on their platforms.

Besides, the good thing about not killing juristic persons is also true for not killing natural persons - it's considered an improvement by and large if a society gets rid of the medieval practice of executing prisoners.

Juristic definitions


of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations

See also: jural