Juju in a sentence as a noun

This seems to be a web app GUI for the ubuntu juju devops package.

Every technical word in that sentence is scary juju to most of the population.

Perhaps there are places where you can leverage the heavy lifting that the juju team has already done in creating a “bring your own” kind of PaaS.

Since you're on the cloud you're totally elastic, so you can go "juju add-unit mediawiki" and you've got another mediawiki node load balancing.

Particularly since exec blowups at this level not always based on performance; can be lots of political juju, need for fall guy, etc.\nFourth theory, however, my personal favorite—exec comp so high as motivation/prize for best lower-level people to stay at big company.

Pre-built versions of common open source tools like official .amis or the vmware virtual appliance directory?I understand it doesn't exactly match your primary goal, but i think there is a large untapped demand for lightweight appliances for use at home or inside the firewall that juju really isn't set up to satisfy.

Juju definitions


the power associated with a juju


a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

See also: voodoo hoodoo fetish fetich