Farrier in a sentence as a noun

Someone once responded, "have you seen a farrier at work?

From the verb ferrer, to shoe a horse, from which common source English takes farrier.

Oddly enough...The only farrier I know isn't a blacksmith.

All the lifelong farriers seem to end up with a limp, no matter how careful they are.

The farrier eventually lost his job when horses were replaced with cars.

There's not a lot of demand for farriers, but there's an even smaller supply, so they tend to have plenty of work.

For an extra $100, I want to be able to tell the difference between a good farrier and a bad farrier.

It's a very dangerous job, and most guys who are farriers for any length of time end up with serious wounds.

Being a farrier is also not an easy job, take a 3 or 4 apprenticeship to become one. There seems to be this viewpoint I see a lot on Hacker News that blue collar jobs are unskilled jobs.

I regularly use farriers as an example of a skilled job that has pretty much gone obsolete because of automobiles.

" I recently bought the standard textbook on equine hoofcare, because a visit by the farrier costs $200 a pop, happens every 6 weeks, and I reckon "What the heck.

Most skilled trades require a 3 or 4 year apprenticeship, you can't just learn how to be a fitter and turner, or a carpenter, or a blacksmith/farrier in a couple of weekends.

Farrier definitions


a person who shoes horses

See also: horseshoer