Jubilance in a sentence as a noun

I am actually surprised by the jubilance in the tech community towards state intervention.

He has an unconvincing forced jubilance, wedded to a lurking, hunchbacked rigidity.

>>However it's very much not at the jubilant level that's being spouted about by you among othersWhich goes back to my earlier point, that the cause for jubilance is not in the current state of poverty, but in the rate at which it has improved, which is excellent by the only objective measure we have, which is in reference to other periods in history.>>Why should we accept that the only way to lift people out of poverty is by exploiting their cheap labour for a century for our own benefit when the resources are already available, just locally scarce?It's not that we have to only accept this method.

Jubilance definitions


a feeling of extreme joy

See also: exultation jubilancy jubilation