Jeering in a sentence as a noun

Mobs filled the streets jeering on the war, thirsting for the blood of others.

I am picturing you jeering at us to "dance monkey dance".

Picking the lowest priced PC and pointing and jeering "see!!???

Alan, m'boy, nevermind the jeering, and your resulting /death/.

And thanks to this post, I'll be better equipped to handle all kinds of comments/criticism/jeering as well!

I am ranting against the jeering disguised as criticism.

Jeering in a sentence as an adjective

The jeering was because Android Dev's didnt deal with these issues and so the apps were just blown up in size, and not responsive.

It's the correct thing to do according to this system".He pauses a moment, then "Think of the public humiliation, the jeering and mocking.

Vista improved things -- please, hold your jeering until the end of the speech -- with the type-to-search feature; conveniently available at the press of the Windows key.

Profit is not good enough, a company must start crushing its competition beneath its feet until people in tech can declare a "victory"; until that happens we have to keep cheering/jeering.

Since all dark clouds have a silver lining, all jeering must have an inherent critical point, too. Should I take it to mean that jeering is now acceptable since it is criticism?In that case, may I request you to please consider my jeering of HN's snobbish behavior as honest criticism?

Jeering definitions


showing your contempt by derision

See also: jeer mockery scoff scoffing


abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule; "derisive laughter"; "a jeering crowd"; "her mocking smile"; "taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'"

See also: derisive gibelike mocking taunting