Jape in a sentence as a noun

No, one is having a jape with you.

I always found that quite curious, but could not find out where the jape came from..

I could easily imagine this jape catching people out today.

My allusion to the horror and barbarism of the pre-JS MVC was merely a jape.

Really!Mundane jokes seem trivial, occupation of capped oil wells in the North Sea seem like a bit of a jape.

A capital jape, my good sir - but it is as nothing compared with the monocular terror which awaits us.

Ultimately it's a jape, but unlike most micronations, it's not stretching the rules - the land really is currently, officially, unclaimed.

An old jape, probably from the 1950s, heard from my father:A tour guide somewhere in the US southwest stands in front of a building and says "This building is one of the oldest in the territory, a hundred and twenty years old.

You can create more elaborate works in less time thanks to technology, but you could sketch or compose a copyrightable work in minutes a century ago. There once was a property case which was wildly absurd on its face A camera, an ape and an unforeseen jape fell outside copyrightable space ^ 3 minutes of creative work.

Filming with no other reason, no other commentary, than to reduce it to a cheap jape online or some element of personal amusement....At least for myself, it falls under the set of 'Why would you want a record of this?

"***** continued vitality is even more amazing when compared to the fate of its sixteenth century synonyms: jape and sarde are virtually unknown; Chaucers swive is archaic; and occupy returns to English with a nonsexual meaning.

Jape definitions


a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"

See also: joke laugh jest