Itemise in a sentence as a verb

The article focuses on that item and does not itemise the fate of the others.

Or do you itemise it and say you paid this much for the engines and this much for the fuselage?

In theory the tax inspectors could come back and ask you to itemise but in practice they have better things to do with their time.

Has anyone sat down and tried to itemise all the taboos this would break?I don't consider myself especially squeamish, bit this concept creeps the **** out of me!

Instead, when I asked the reason why my card was debited, they said I was charged for "services" - but were unable to itemise the services I had been charged for when challenged.

"My point isn't that OverDrive should itemise their pricing, it's that market participants generally only invest money in R&D when it is expected to make them more money.

" But if you give them a fixed bid that assumes x hours and comes out to an equivalent hourly rate that is ${quite high}, they seem to be just fine with that - in my experience, this is often true even if you itemise it and declare the expected hours.

Why would you just itemise a bunch of conventions from this paradigm, which i likely disagree with?do you need hn to be an agreeable echo chamber for you?capitalism depends on people not thinking thoroughly about the "deal" they are being drawn into.

Itemise definitions


place on a list of items; "itemize one's tax deductions"

See also: itemize


specify individually; "She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered"; "The doctor recited the list of possible side effects of the drug"

See also: enumerate recite itemize