Itching in a sentence as a noun

People who are just itching to say "I told you so!

I'm itching to have a look at what's under the hood.

She wasn't itching to go back to work either; she loved being at home with the new baby.

Something I found a tad hard to believe, plus the book had been a bit thin on theory[0] so I was itching for some meat.

I'm itching to throw a micro-controller at it, but I want to learn a little more before I take that path.

It's been a pleasure, I'm really proud of what we've built so far. I hope that following a long and well deserved break you'll find yourself itching to return.

I have no clue if this is exploitable but reading it gives me a painful burning itching sensation.

I've been itching to dive into some production ready Go code, and I've got a lot of interest in Angular.

I'm guessing not very many, and with the size constraints, Canonical were probably itching to get rid of it.

Some of those people are journalists who are itching to carve out a "hard-hitting" reputation from the hides of their betters.

Justice systems the world over have been itching for a way to force this whole interweb thing to fall in line for more than a decade, but they couldn't find a solid-enough target in a quickly-changing landscape.

The promise of a better scripting language, better remote editing experience, better native GUI support on non-linux platforms, and better IDE integration has me itching to try it out.

Those examples are both beautiful, as an infrastructure language I think it's unparalleled and begets great technology like Riak---I'm seriously itching to use Riak Core sometime.

Itching definitions


an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch

See also: itch itchiness