Itchiness in a sentence as a noun

Go for merino wool if you don't like the itchiness of lambswool.

Let it grow a little longer, and the itchiness will subside.

Some "itchiness" in the morning, can be a good thing too, as I remember from school.

Shampoo and conditioner helps prevent itchiness, at any stage of growth.

"My mom had this crippling abdominal itchiness that all the doctors thought was due to her Parkinson's.

The symptoms were cloudy, blurry vision, itchiness, sensitivity to light, and pain.

I don't get rashes, but I have noticed the signs of me being overstressed typically include itchiness for some reason, almost always down my back.

A lot of people self-diagnose wool allergies, but they really just get crappy wool, or they mistake itchiness caused by the coarseness of the material for an allergy.

I don't like other opiates though, they provoke a minor allergic reaction consisting of itchiness and uncomfortable warmness I did not experience with opium.

Since then I've taken a Zyrtec a day and alleviates the itchiness from the chronically-unable-to-concentrate-craze-inducing level to the acute and mildly annoying.

Itchiness definitions


an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch

See also: itch itching