Issuing in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps "stops issuing" would be more accurate, but it's not clear from the article whether that's actually the case.

Based on prior knowledge of this machine, I'm issuing one prefetch 512B ahead per 128B double-cacheline.

I'm sick, sick, sick to death of the president issuing denials while they keep building more and more infrastructure against humanity.

Many manufacturers haven't gotten around to issuing these C&D letters, but it's perfectly within their right.

Monitor > your replication status!If you mean that an error condition can occur without issuing errors to a client, then yes, this is possible.

And how do you know it's not the other way round?> And I guarantee that even if other companies aren't issuing grammar tests, they pay attention to sloppy mistakes on rsums.

"> Two hundred clueless posts on a web forum out of a userbase of millions doesn't mean there's a "malware explosion," as he described it. Why are people falling for this flamebait?If Apple is issuing special instructions to its support staff about this malware, then clearly this is a pronounced problem.

Truglia got so fed up with the politicised statistics coming out of Canada, which he felt were calling his own research into question, that he took the extraordinary step of issuing a special commentary clarifying that Canadas spending was not out of control, and he even aimed some veiled shots at the dodgy math practiced by right-wing think tanks.

Issuing definitions


the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity); "a new issue of stamps"; "the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago"

See also: issue issuance