Isotherm in a sentence as a noun

In the maps linked below, each isotherm represents a 2 C difference.

The 'real' news would be offline because if you plot connection capable isotherms for where you can and cannot be connected, big chunks of the world are in 'not' connected.

Take an object representing a sorption isotherm, plus two double-precision numbers giving gas- and sorbed-phase concentrations, and return the equilibrium concentration at the sorbent surface.

In harmonic coordinates, called then “isotherm”, introduced by Lanczos, DeDonder and Georges Darmois, the Einstein equations in vacuum look like a system of quasidiagonal, quasilinear system of second order partial differential equations hyperbolic for a Lorentzian metric.

Isotherm definitions


(meteorology) an isogram connecting points having the same temperature at a given time