Irrespective in a sentence as an adverb

Spearphish for their accounts irrespective of whether they have them or not. Collect wins since losses cost your botnet nothing at the margin.

So at least in SF - anyone using AirBNB at all is breaking the law, irrespective of one's lease or ownership status.

I just give it everything I've got, irrespective of what the circumstances may be... You just keep going, and get it done."

That said, my key takeaway from this is that professors are very impressed by perfect scores irrespective of how you got them. There must be something magical about that row of 100s.

If the current design of smoke alarms causes people to disable them - irrespective of whether or not they should - then the design can be improved.

Both often will speak their mind irrespective the feelings of others. Both "give a damn" about users, though with completely different ideas about what is important.

Will Facebook do something strange, like have Facebook wall updates appear in the game world irrespective of whether it fits into the game? If I were a game developer, this'd creep me out too.

He speaks well of two people in Palantir's employ, whom he knows personally, and he cites a piece of Palantir's technology as the kind of thing that the world needs more of irrespective of whether or not the rest of their oeuvre is good, bad, or indifferent. That's it.

From the Loebner Prize page: "The winner of the annual contest is the best entry relative to other entries that year, irrespective of how good it is in an absolute sense". Sounds like his entry certainly was deserving of the annual contest, even if it's not a general AI solution.

The fact that the US Govt can continue operating at full will irrespective of legal and constitutional boundaries shows just how much power and influence they already have.

Europeans were almost wiped out by the plague and in modern times Africa has been decimated by HIV. These are real problems that the human race has faced and will likely face again, irrespective of lab-created stuff. Biotechnology is the primary mechanism by which we're going to be able to survive when the next one comes, wherever it comes from.

We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone.

The United States' criminal justice system, as a particular hodgepodge of incentives, disincentives, esoteric proceedings, privileged access, violent sentencing, plea pressure, and power-tripping careerism -- irrespective of cruel laws -- is a deeply failed model in the context of ethics. It's a very 'successful' model in other contexts.

I didn't say that: I, or anyone should go into a particular field to meet potential partners That the women or men whom are at the top of their field chose those fields to meet partners That people should be hired because of their gender irrespective of their qualifications I said that people behave differently in environments where the subconscious flips a switch that says, "You are now in an environment where you may meet a potential partner." Which is quite different.

For concurrency, I wouldn't say that what OP is trying to do is going to be easy in any language, because OAuth in general kind of sucks[1] the Twitter API itself has a number of quirks that make it cumbersome in general, irrespective of language[2]. That said, Go was by far the easiest to work with here, because channels allowed me to abstract the pagination and the rate-limiting in a way that it would be invisible to all callers, but "magically" handled behind the scenes.

Irrespective definitions


in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks; "he carried on regardless of the difficulties"

See also: regardless disregardless disregarding