Involvement in a sentence as a noun

I don't see any problem morally or ethically with selling shares that I was granted as part of my involvement with the board.

In fact, you might say the bloated organization and government involvement makes this sort of thing inevitable.

Often this is done without the involvement or insight offered by the existing developers of the product, nor any of the product's users.

Ironically the only major tech company not to deny NSA involvement, is seemingly doing the most for its users privacy.

In addition, he made no effort to contact Facebook with his discoveries, and even denied involvement when initially questioned.

The involvement of specialist lawyers with knowledge of civil forfeiture law probably helped the motel owner win the ruling reported in this news story.

Given that they want to wait until after additional fundraising rounds are completed, I doubt that your involvement with the company is nearly so problematic.

I have asked Professor Hal Abelson to lead a thorough analysis of MIT's involvement from the time that we first perceived unusual activity on our network in fall 2010 up to the present.

Some of the comments here on HN about this are quite amusing, especially since many of the people who poo-poo Ashton's involvement in tech have no issues with a normal VC investment in a company.

I've had the opportunity to observe this all up close through my involvement with another community organization that sometimes works alongside the local police department.

And by "free" we specifically ignore "can be imprisoned indefinitely for belonging to the wrong religion", and "police officers can arrest and sentence you to a year in prison without the involvement of a court or even a prosecutor".Every time someone says something like "China is [or will soon be] freer than the US", what they're really saying is "I don't read, but I'm happy to divide the whole world into two sides: whoever supports my current biases, and whoever doesn't".

Involvement definitions


the act of sharing in the activities of a group; "the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities"

See also: engagement participation involution


a connection of inclusion or containment; "he escaped involvement in the accident"; "there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen"


a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something; "an interest in music"

See also: interest


a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

See also: affair affaire intimacy liaison amour


the condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)

See also: participation