Affaire in a sentence as a noun

L'affaire Damore is what the HN guidelines call a "classic flamewar topic".

I actually came to HN every day in the past two weeks just because I want to read more about the Snowden affaire.

" Also: whether or not he killed himself, l'affaire Epstein indicates that our politicians are swine who can be bought off in more simple and sleazey ways.

The most peculiar thing about building on top of Bing's index, when it comes to privacy, is that Bing itself was caught looking at the queries and clicks of Google users during the "hiybbprqag" affaire.

Interesting, but reading the conclusion I'm fascinated in this affaire how technically knowledgeable people loose common sense to defend their favorite brand: - Per launch verification is terrible for privacy, vis-a-vis Apple and the whole network when it happens in plain text - "They should also explain how, having enjoyed their benefits for a couple of years, they’ve suddenly decided they were such a bad idea after all", another key issue: user information, consent and control.

Affaire definitions


a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

See also: affair intimacy liaison involvement amour