Involved in a sentence as an adjective

So, in 2005 I was involved in a company that thought "man, it would be great to build a search engine for source code".

The modest amount paid is well worth it just to be alerted to the main issues and pitfalls involved in setting up an entity.

I only know about it because I know some of the people involved and follow activist-oriented news sources.

I never realized just how bad the situation was until I got involved more seriously in activism.

Knowing Steve, he will go after some of our top Mac talent…Jobs sounds like a Grade-A *******, along with every other player involved in this mess.

HR alternately over- and under-involved in disputes with no clear policy?

This woman is routinely involved in travesties of justice related to online activities and thinks this means sending "a message".

Police are pretty obviously not policing neighborhoods and aren't on the beat--they're chaotic actors who get involved and always always always make things worse.

Should he know of and contribute to every one of the many groups and organizations involved in gender equality?And what exactly is wrong with the "I have black friends" defense?

The biggest issue that I see with publishing this work in a physics journal is that although time travel is certainly a concept in physics, the research involved here is not physics research.

Unites [sic] States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz said, Todays convictions should serve as a message to those involved with illegal gambling schemes that the government will apply the full weight of its resources to identify, investigate and prosecute individuals who seek to profit from offshore gambling.

Everything about this story, right down to the questions, agents involved, luggage inspections and the man's apartment being broken into and searched, fits very well with my own experiences in 2012 with entering the United States.

You also know that if you tried to express the concept defined in a previous sentence, but without using names for measures involved, and a notation for a value a measure assigns to some set, the sentence would come out awkward and complicated, because you would have to say that a measure is absolutely continuous with respect to some other measure, if whenever that other measure assigns a zero value to some set, the value assigned to that set by the first measure must be zero as well.

Involved definitions


connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don't want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified"


entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion"

See also: mired


emotionally involved


highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months"

See also: Byzantine convoluted knotty tangled tortuous


enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"