Interpolation in a sentence as a noun

So reversing the blur is possible, maybe with some additional interpolation to cover up the nulls.

But its half the resolution that were aiming for, and has some areas of distracting interpolation artifacts.

The result is vastly better than what you know from usual screen interpolation, it's hardly noticeable actually.

Usually when enabled the interpolation happened anywhere, not just in user defined assets.

Mathematica can solve the PDE and take care of all the interpolation and quadrature needed to integrate the square difference with the numerical solutions.

They're actually rendered internally at double the resolution after which they're overlayed with the screen's native grid for some interpolation-like process.

I just skimmed the tour, and my impression is: Swift is a compiled, Objective-C compatible Javascript-alike with an ObjC-like object model, generics, and string interpolation.

The author might want to try a sinusoidal interpolation so that velocity reaches zero at the key frames and the whole thing thus spends more time dwelling on the legible parts of the animation and looks smoother.

Not a problem: Mathematica can interpolate your meshed solutions to whatever order you want in whatever dimension using a single command and it can take differences between those interpolations and integrate with another.

If you have a templatized math function like a linear interpolation function, you can swap in integers, reals or complex numbers without writing new code, and also matrices, vectors or quaternions from another library, provided that they have the algebraic properties the function expects.

Interpolation definitions


a message (spoken or written) that is introduced or inserted; "with the help of his friend's interpolations his story was eventually told"; "with many insertions in the margins"

See also: insertion


(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known


the action of interjecting or interposing an action or remark that interrupts

See also: interjection interposition interpellation