Intermeshed in a sentence as an adjective

The active, reserve, and guard components are at least sometimes deeply intermeshed.

This is a sonar ping bouncing off a person closely intermeshed with communities HN readers care about.

I had a homemade one once, of brussel sprouts, where the leaves must have intermeshed in such a way as to be pretty damn similar in texture.

I find it hard to take Altman seriously as a well-reasoned thinker after his comments on political correctness which were intermeshed with him praising China's approach to the topic.

At one point, the web and API team were a little more intermeshed, but this had the unfortunate side effect that the web was a de-facto a "privileged" client, while the other clients were like second-class citizens.

I remember imagining how it would be cool if instead of cells my body consisted of tiny robots that intermeshed together and substituted for various bodily functions.

All of a sudden tons of helpful UI resources were intermeshed with this GitHub ecosphere instead of living elsewhere, like on a lovingly-designed personal website with a pleasant UI that had not been mingled with versioning software.

Intermeshed definitions


caught as if in a mesh; "enmeshed in financial difficulties"

See also: enmeshed


(used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting; "the gears are engaged"; "meshed gears"; "intermeshed twin rotors"

See also: engaged meshed