Instalment in a sentence as a noun

Can you expand on the idea of the third instalment syndrome?

Can I ask why did you people bring those design changes - this one and the last instalment as well?

If the rest of this series is half as good as this instalment, I’m eager and excited to read it. A real breath of fresh air.

If this game is as good as the previous instalment in the series it won't make a difference.

This is just meandering junk, is this the latest instalment in Virtue Signalling?

Ah... the days spent anxiously waiting the next instalment!

$250 to get an email telling you that the latest instalment of a series that is available on a public channel is not.

The Q&A videos following each instalment might also be useful, because his audience frequently asks questions like yours.

The books will eventually leak, but while it's being produced the author has a very short-term monopoly on the latest instalment.

He's talking about early-exercise stock options vs instalment exercise stock options.

Instalment definitions


a part of a broadcast serial

See also: episode installment


a part of a published serial

See also: installment


the act of installing something (as equipment); "the telephone installation took only a few minutes"

See also: installation installing installment