Insisting in a sentence as a noun

Investors wised up and began insisting on caps to avoid such abuses.

I think some of the commenters here are missing the point by insisting that how they learned to code is how everyone should learn.

And just yesterday the story here had tons of people insisting that this was no big deal, just a one time mistake, and that they should shut up and be happy.

Sure, it'd be nice if the big media companies stopped insisting on using encryption to distribute their videos.

And when they're done, they roll out systems that look an awful lot like what you were insisting the baseline for a "real computer" was fifteen years ago.

Ironically, the record companies don't like how powerful Apple is but they've created the monster that is iTunes by first insisting on DRM and then shutting out other players.

Article A: Geeks super pissed off about someone daring to copy their workArticle B: Nerds insisting that content producers are too dumb to understand that piracy is just a marketing channel.

They gave us pushback when we refused to sign a liability waiver before getting treatment and we had some security guy who kept insisting to come into our room to photograph the shoes my wife was wearing at the time.

Insisting definitions


continual and persistent demands

See also: insistence