Insert in a sentence as a noun

No amount of reading or games or [insert your timesucker here] can fill that emptiness inside of you.

Or your national IM equivalent that no one uses nowdays anyway>'d?

I'd spend half my time trying to figure out how to implement a certain Postgres feature in -insert-or-name-here.

I think there's a strong case for JS to not insert semicolons here, and I agree with Crockford's position on not handling it in JSMin.

If a company manages to insert themselves between you and your users, they can then work their way down the value chain and replace you as a supplier.

This change in constraints forces you to sanitize the data currently in your database, then make sure you don’t insert anything with the wrong casing.

Insert in a sentence as a verb

If you can’t find the email address of a prospect, find the email address for someone else at the company and insert your prospect’s name into that format.

Javascript does automatic semicolon insertion by taking advantage of potentially ambiguous constructs that happen to be resolved in one way right now.

Quoting from the article..."By this year, the Sigint Enabling Project had found ways inside some of the encryption chips that scramble information for businesses and governments, either by working with chipmakers to insert back doors..."

Ok seems to me that a lot of people are missing the point entirely here... zzzzzoooooooommmmmmm flying hand over the head motion here>Microsoft has always worked hard to make Windows as flexible as possible, hardware wise, functionality, etc.

" People often go to bed regretting not doing what they could have done when instead they were on Facebook and Twitter and [insert the names of 90% of the startups you have heard of].Every founder will go on and on about "changing the world" if you let him.

Language extension usually works this way: a previously unambiguously wrong statement is made valid; but JS semicolon insertion often turns "wrong" statements into "correct" statements, so it leaves less "entropy" to be taken advantage of when increasing the power of the syntax.

Insert definitions


a folded section placed between the leaves of another publication


an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted

See also: inset


(broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a network program

See also: cut-in


(film) a still picture that is introduced and that interrupts the action of a film

See also: cut-in


put or introduce into something; "insert a picture into the text"

See also: infix enter introduce


introduce; "Insert your ticket here"

See also: enclose inclose introduce


fit snugly into; "insert your ticket into the slot"; "tuck your shirttail in"

See also: tuck


insert casually; "She slipped in a reference to her own work"